Flawless beauty from the inside out

Beauty starts from within sounds a cliché, but it’s true. Over the years a lot of people asked me what I do to stay in shape and keep my skin glowing. I believe you are literally what you eat and drink. It’s not only what you put on your face, it has everything to do with how you look at life, how you mentally start your day. If you love drinking tea for example, try drinking cooked water with a slice of lemon. I call it my inner wake-up call. It gives my senses the signal to GO.

Let’s talk meditation for a minute. Meditation is very healthy for mind and body and can be approached in different ways. I love to set my alarm at 07.00 for a quite mediation session before the business of the day begins. Do you know you have over 80.000 thoughts on a daily basis? Especially the part of letting go provides head clearance as you purely and only concentrate on your breathing. If I’m not doing yoga or mediation, running is my go to savor. It lets me find my happy spot.

I am not saying that with every deadline ahead you should top what you’re doing are have run around your block. It’s merely a statement of what works for me, and now you should think about what works for you.

If you don’t know where to start for a more healthy lifestyle check holistik.nl for the necessary inspiration. If you live in the Netherlands try one of these meditation and yoga schools: Delight Yoga, The Conscious Club and The House of Yoga. Especially the last might be interesting to squeeze into your busy schedule as it’s an online yoga school that works together with teachers all over the world.

Last but not least; make sure to get plenty of sleep. Get enough leg stretch exercise during the day. Drink enough water or coconut juice. (the best for extra hydration) On another occasion I’ll tell you all about the fantastic “Mix it up and glow” healthy detox smoothies and to shine bright like it came from within.

Good luck! x

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