Things to keep in mind when looking for a make-up workshop, masterclass or make-up artistry education

It’s becoming more and more difficult to know what you’re buying when shopping for a make-up education. A lot of people are reaching out to ask me what the best way is to approach this matter and how to separate the cover from the wheat. There are things to keep in mind when looking for a make-up workshop, masterclass, or make-up artistry education as it seems like everyone is offering them. How can you tell the difference between credible educators and people who are most likely just sharing their hobby knowledge? It’s called research.

Research is very essential when you consider investing in make-up education. Questions to ask yourself:

  • What are the educator’s credentials?
  • What qualifies them to charge you for their guidance?
  • What have other PAYING students said about the educator’s ability to teach?

The educator must have the ability to provide you with masterclass training that will elevate your skill level, with tips for life that will change your make-up game or, if you’re planning to become a make-up artist that will increase your overall potential by identifying it and stimulating the process of creating your own signature.

Here are some common misconceptions that could result in a costly mistake when choosing a make-up education:

The location of a class does not validate the credibility of an educator

Just because an educator presents at a beauty school, it does not validate their teaching ability. Many educators (myself included) rent a space OR agree to a booking to share knowledge and expertise during a masterclass,  workshop, press event or different kind of venue.

Never confuse experience with popularity

Social Media provides artists with a powerful marketing tool to build recognition and brand. Keep in mind that popularity and experience are two VERY different things. Some artists with large followings on YouTube and Instagram try to earn money on their popularity before they’ve had enough actual work experience to justify charging for education.

Unless you have at least a five-year of working experience as a full-time “professional makeup artist”, paid to apply makeup to others, as or one of the primary sources of income, you might not have sufficient experience to teach others.

Being a great artist does not automatically make you a great teacher.

Teaching requires specific skills. Those skills are independent of artistic ability. The harsh reality is, an extraordinary artist, with excellent credentials, might not be able to effectively explain their process or teach you how to replicate their techniques. Only invest in beauty education if the artist presenting is recognized as a proficient educator by other skilled educators.

Sidenote: I did not consider teaching until I had over a decade of working experience, and my teaching ability was reviewed and approved by makeup education experts.

I am a HUGE advocate of continuing education and truly believe we never stop learning. This includes educators. I constantly update my knowledge base and skill-set, so I can offer my clients the most relevant information and techniques.

Bottom Line:
Proper research and asking lots of questions before purchasing any make-up education will prevent you from wasting time and money on unqualified educators.

Amanda Rijff

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